Home > Model Boats - Tugs - Coasters - Barges - Pleasure Boats > Motor Tugs > Afon Alaw

Afon Alaw

The NEW and somewhat revolutionary designed hull of Holyhead Towing's AFON ALAW is reproduced by Mobile Marine Models by kind permission of J.R Rix and Son Ltd. and Hepworth Shipyard.

This all new tug entered service during March 2004 and is powered by twin Cummings diesels of 1250hp each engine through twin korts.


The complete Multi - Optional Full Kit, including electric lights, with Standard R.G.Set is .... with Max-Power RG Set...... customise your purchase by simply choosing your options ...... or take advantage of the Budget Building System by purchasing one, or more, Packs at a time.......... All 5 Packs = Full Kit

PLEASE Note.. Motors and propellers are NOT included in this kit

GRP Rust coloured Hull (scratch the paintwork and rust shows through) and like all of Mobile Marine Models boats, available under the Budget Building System.

Scale = 1:32
OAL - 33 1/2" / 850mm
Beam - 11 3/4" / 300mm

SuperGlue / Wood Glue  are needed to complete this model  ( see Adhesives  )

Please Note  ... In PRODUCTS, Click-on selected  photo to view details & options

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