Home > Model Boats - Tugs - Coasters - Barges - Pleasure Boats > Motor Tugs > Eldergarth


Built in 1981 by Mactay's of Birkenhead, the ELDERGARTH, the first of 5 new ASD tugs, entered service in October of that year, followed, in November, by her sistership the ROWANGARTH.

From November 1982 through to the summer of 1999 both boats divided their on-station time between the River Mersey and Cabinda, Africa.

At present, the ROWAN is on-station on the Tyne, whilst the ELDER, renamed the SHANNON, is stationed on the Clyde.

The model Hull and full size plan, together with the Template Pack makes this boat perhaps the Best Ever model produced for Tug-Towing.

With just minor alterations to the superstructure the tugs YEWGARTH and OAKGARTH (still serving on the Mersey), can also be built.

The complete Multi - Optional Full Kit, including electric lights, with Standard R.G.Set ( PowerKort 60s) .... with Max-Power RG Set ( PowerKort 70s )...... customise your purchase by simply choosing your options .. or take advantage of the Budget Building System by purchasing one, or more, Packs at a time.... All 5 Packs = Full Kit

PLEASE Note.. Motors and propellers are NOT included in this kit

Detailed GRP Rust coloured hull (scratch the paintwork and rust shows through) and like all of Mobile Marine Models boats is available under the BUDGET BUILDING SYSTEM.

Scale .... 1:32nd
OAL - 40" (1015mm)
Beam - 11" (280mm)

SuperGlue / Wood Glue  are needed to complete this model  ( see Adhesives  )

Please Note  ... In PRODUCTS, Click-on selected  photo to view details & options

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