Home > Model Boats - Tugs - Coasters - Barges - Pleasure Boats > Work Boats > Euro-Boy

Euro-Boy - GRP Hull

Hull ONLY (No Drawings)

Rust coloured (every hull is 'finished' in the now famous Rust coloured Gel-Coat - scratch the paintwork and rust shows through), GRP (glass fibre). highly detailed hull, and like all of our Tug Hulls, extra laminates in & around the 'stress' points, to give the strongest construction possible....plus... each boat has it's own unique Serial Number label 'glassed' into hull.

Each Hull comes complete with a Hints & tips booklet.

The finished model can be completed from materials and equipment supplied by yourself.

It's surprising how adaptable our boats are...

Don't forget to order SuperGlue / Wood Glue .............

Delivery Note:- Please allow 28 days for delivery of GRP hulls & Full kits..... as each and every hull is individually hand-laid.
