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Stan Tug 1906 - Pack #4

Running Gear - Twin Screw - Fixed Kort Drive

Because MMM do not manufacture brass propellers, and we do not believe in white-metal props, all of our Running Gear Packs, & the Full kits, do NOT include propellers.

Whilst some modellers have successfully used '50' steerable Power korts, the RG set we offer for this model follows the prototype in so far as; fixed korts with rudders set behind the nozzles... powered by two T4A motors, this smallish tug is, like the proptype, very powerful & agile....ideal as the 'third-man' in Team towing, as well as great for 'pulling' in Single towing

This Twin Screw tug RG Pack is as follows:-

RG Pack :-
2 SL precision propshafts
2 T4A (12v.) motors
2 Safety Couplings
2 fixed '40' Power Korts...with Rudders

REMEMBER :- The MMM range is so flexible you can create your own customised RG sets.....